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Reverend Dr. Stephen Greene Howard began his pastoral leadership of Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church, Greenville, North Carolina, on Thursday, September 1, 2016.


Pastor Howard is many things to many people.  More specifically, he is a father to his children, a husband to his wife, a shepherd to his church family, a preacher among preachers, an accomplished pastor, and a scholar to academia. With many years of pastoral ministry, Pastor Howard remains faithful to serving God, which is evident through his unique and energetic preaching styles and pastoral leadership.


Dr. Howard’s spiritual development began at the hem of Deaconess Leah Slocum Greene, his maternal grandmother, and he was baptized at the Shady Grove Baptist Church, Johnsonville, Montserrado County, Liberia by the late Rev. Phillip Webb. Dr. Howard has served the pastorate of Shady Grove Baptist Church; Providence Baptist Church, Monrovia, Liberia; Agape Fellowship, Abidjan, L’Cote D’Ivoire; Rowan International Fellowship, Salisbury, NC; and Union Baptist Church, Durham, NC.  He served as Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Enfield, NC, and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Richmond, VA, prior to coming to Cornerstone.


Dr. Howard has also served Strayer University as the Adjunct Professor of Religion Philosophy and Ethics and The Baptist Theological Seminary, Paynesville, Liberia, as Visiting Professor of Homiletics. Dr. Howard served Nash General Hospital, Rocky Mount, NC, as a chaplain and Coastal Plains Psychiatric Hospital, Rocky Mount, NC as a counselor.


Pastor Howard holds membership in and has served many organizations and conventions, including The Liberian Baptist Sunday School Convention; The Liberian Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention; The Liberia Council of Churches-Interfaith Mediation Committee; Durham Rescue Mission, Durham, NC; American Baptist Churches of the South; American Baptist Convention-USA; Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention; Pastoral Education Program; General Baptist State Convention, NC and VA; Richmond Baptist Associations, Chairman of the Board;  Steney Foundation, Inc.; member of the Executive Committee of Baptist World Alliance; and member of the Evangelism Commission of the Baptist World Alliance.


He received a Bachelor of Theology degree and a Certificate in Adult Literacy Education at The Baptist Theological Seminary and a Masters of Divinity Degree from Duke University, Durham, NC. He completed four years of clinical pastoral education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also attended Erskine Theological Seminary in the Master of Theology Program and obtained his Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral Counseling from The Graduate Theological Foundation, South Bend, Indiana and Oxford University, Oxford, The United Kingdom of Great Britain.  Recently, he received a diploma in Pastoral Ministry from the Baptist Theological Seminary, Gweru, Zimbabwe, and Southern Africa.


A mind and passion for missions, Dr. Howard has traveled preaching throughout North America and abroad.  Some of his international ministries include Western, Southern, Central and West Africa; The Netherlands; Spain; Italy; Germany; Switzerland; Belgium; United Kingdom of Great Britain; France; Portugal; Macau; Hong Kong; China; Japan; Thailand; Singapore; Malaysia; Greece; Turkey; Israel and many other regions.  Dr. Howard has led several mission teams to Africa; Jamaica; Bahamas; Dominican Republic; Panama; Mexico; The Holy Land; Greece; and other parts of the world.  He has served on several boards in the United States and internationally.


He is a singer and author of Clergy to Clergy, A Handbook on Pastoral Self Care; Being There, A Guide for Hospital Visitation, and Ten Reasons Churches are Without.

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